Friday, January 27, 2012

I Have a Surgery Date!

Hooray! The doctor's office and I have had some conversations back and forth. First they said possibly February 7, then February 28 (that's Marina's 18th birthday), and now we have agreed on February 22. I am so, so excited! There's just something great about knowing when the next step begins.

I have finished all the requirements except the EGD (scope/biopsies), which is next Thursday. I attended the exercise class, which was very helpful. The instructor was the director of PT at the hospital and we learned about the different types of exercise, why we need to do it for the rest of our lives, and how much we need to do. It's a litle daunting. There have been times when I worked out regularly and enjoyed it, but I'm not there currently.

Dr. Oz had an episode on Monday about the "One Surgery People SHOULD Be Getting," which was about gastric bypass. It was nice to see it recommended and learn a little more about the surgery.

I have started freezing a few meals for my family to eat while I'm recovering and only allowed clear liquids. I should be set by February 22. I need to get more done around the house since I won't feel like doing it for a while. I'm still losing weight but I haven't done much exercising due to my knee surgery. I'm still hoping to start using the eliptical again very soon. I would say that things are going very well and I'm feeling optimistic about what lies ahead. :)