Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Moving Forward!

I'm definitely getting closer to surgery! Last week was full of medical appointments and classes, or at least it felt that way. I went to the mandatory support meeting. The guest speaker was a rep for a leading bariatric vitamin suppliment company. I picked up lots of samples. Part of gastric bypass is malabsorption of food and nutrients. Eventually the body compensates for the food part, but not for the vitamins. For that reason a bariatic patient must take nutritional suppliments for the rest of their life. The second class was the first part of the dietitian's class (I already completed the second half). It was about what I will need to eat for the first six months after surgery (not much). Friday I had meniscectomy on my left knee. It went very well and I am walking around a little stiffly, but doing my exercises in hopes that I won't need to go to official physical therapy. I'll find out for sure this Friday. Today I went to see a very good looking cardiologist. I had an echocardiogram and a good conversation. Boy, the echo was so much quicker and easier than the one I had 17 years ago! He said everything looked good. That I probably do have some plaque in my arteries due to my lifestyle, but there is nothing to prevent me from having gastric bypass. Hooray! Later this week I meet with the counselor for her clearance. She said it is going to take two to two and a half hours. Yikes. So, things are progressing at a good speed. I still get scared sometimes. I was worried about the pain, but that has pretty much passed. I guess now it's mostly about regain. Apparently some regain is almost par for the course as your body adjusts and compensates. Most of the time I feel prepared. I can do this! If I gain a little, well, I can lose it again! I am doing this for my health. I want to live a long time! I want to babysit my grandchildren! I want to sit on the floor and read to them AND be able to get up again! I CAN DO THIS! Yay me? Yeah, YAY ME!
I'm sorry if this gets repetitive, and thank you, thank you, thank you for all the support!!!


  1. thanks for sharing yuor experience about bariatric surgeryThe challege is to just follow along and exercise, eat right, and get your water. Everyone holding each other accountable.Manipal | Bariatric Surgery India| Weight Loss Surgery India Congratulations on your decision!
